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Why can I connect to Mongo in node using, but not localhost?

I'm connecting to Mongo using the Node library, and mongo is up and running on port 27017.

If I set my uri to mongodb:// it connects, but if I set it to mongodb://localhost:27017 it doesn't connect (times out).

I'm on Linux, and my /etc/hosts looks like this: localhost
::1 localhost

My guess is it has something to do with ipv6, but I have very little understanding of ipv6 to be honest. Can someone explain what's happening here, and if I should do something differently to be able to connect to localhost?

As you pointed out, it seems that localhost resolves to IPv6 address ::1 and not .

You can keep using or another option would be changing the address mongod service binds to , for instance, ::1 (you can bind to IPv4 and IPv6 at the same time).

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