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Google Cloud Storage Transfer - Python method for getting status of TransferOperation

There does not appear to be any method in the Python client API for Google's storage transfer service that checks the status of an ongoing transfer operation. There is get_transfer_job , which shows the status of a transfer job itself (and gives the latest operation name). But I can't find any way of getting the status of an actual operation, which is critical.

I know other languages' client APIs (including at least Go and node.js) have this functionality. It may be possible to use a naked REST API request, but we're running into authentication issues. Is there any other way that I'm missing? Any way to call the TransferOperation type directly (such as client.TransferOperation(<transfer_operation_name>) ?

There is method available for the same which you can use in the following manner.

GetTransferJobRequest(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Reference Link - Class GetTransferJobRequest

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