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Active Admin: Is it possible to add an href to an f.input hint string?

I am trying to add an external link to an active admin form input hint

form do |f|
  f.input :catalog_icon,
    hint: "Use a font-awesome icon class name, e.g. 'fas fa-star'."\
    " See https://fontawesome.com/icons/ for a list of available icons."

Is this possible?

Didn't know I could just pass .html_safe to the hint string, to render a hint with html. ie

form do |f|
  f.input :catalog_icon,
    hint: "Use a font-awesome icon class name, e.g. 'fas fa-star'."\
    " See <a href=\"https://fontawesome.com/icons/\">fontawesome</a>"\
    " for a list of available icons.".html_safe

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