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socket.io in Svelte via store

I'd like to have socket.io available across the whole Svelte app. I don't know what I am doing wrong...


export const socket = writable();

This works


import { io } from "socket.io-client";
import { socket } from "./stores.js";

$socket = io();

$socket.on("orders", (orders) => {

This doesn't


import { io } from "socket.io-client";
import { socket } from "./stores.js";

$socket = io();


import { socket } from "./stores.js";

$socket.on("orders", (orders) => {

The code shown works as long as the execution order is guaranteed to be correct, ie the code in App running before the code in Component .

If it is not, you need to add additional logic to handle the store not being set. (You also probably should clean up these on event handlers via onDestroy as well.)

Eg you can use a reactive statement to check whether the store was set, if it is initialized with null :

$: if ($socket != null) {
    $socket.on("orders", (orders) => {

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