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How to map discrete colours in a Plotly Sunburst chart in r

I am very new to using plotly in rstudio and have come up against a problem with mapping discrete colours (stored as hex codes in the field color ) to each of the slices in my ids field.

I have included my code below:

df %>%
     color = I("black"),
     marker = list(colors = ~color)) %>% 
  add_trace(ids = df$ids, 
            labels = df$labels, 
            parents = df$parents,
            type = 'sunburst',
            maxdepth = -1,
            domain = list(column = 0)) %>%
  layout(sunburstcolorway = df$color)

This is the resulting sunburst diagram I get using this code, which is obviously not ideal:


Ideally the first four levels would have the same colour, and then different hex colour codes are used for slices that are labelled "Poor","Moderate","GwC" or "Good".

A csv file of my data frame used above is available here .

I finally managed to nut out how to map my colour field to the background colours on the sunburst chart - have updated the code in original post. All that was required was to insert the following code segment:

    marker = list(colors = ~color))

Below is the output chart: 在此处输入图像描述

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