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linking textPath with javascript instead of xlink:href in html?

Is there a way to link a textPath to a path directly through javascript?

something like this maybe?

 let path=document.querySelector("path"); let txt_path=document.querySelector("textPath"); textPath.href=path
 <svg id="svg1" width="1000" height="1000"> <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M 0 0 L 300 300" stroke-width="3"/> <text id="txt1" font-size="24" dy="-10"> <textPath id="result" text-anchor="middle" startOffset="50%" > Hello there </textPath> </text> </svg>

The entire idea is that I have too many paths and can't assign an id to every single one & instead directly linking them with javascript would be much more convenient

is something like this even possible? or is there no workaround ids?

Note: I tried this but it doesn't seem to support cross browser

The path needs an id and the textPath then points to that id.

 let path=document.querySelector("path"); let textPath=document.querySelector("textPath"); path.id = self.crypto.randomUUID(); textPath.href.baseVal = "#" + path.id;
 <svg id="svg1" width="1000" height="1000"> <path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M 0 0 L 300 300" stroke-width="3"/> <text id="txt1" font-size="24" dy="-10"> <textPath id="result" text-anchor="middle" startOffset="50%" > Hello there </textPath> </text> </svg>

It is all done by ID (only FireFox has the path attribute on textPath )

Write a Web Component, for symantic HTML: <svg-text-path> that generates a unique ID. No shadowDOM required then and all you global CSS applies.

 <svg-text-path>Hello</svg-text-path> <svg-text-path>Wonderful</svg-text-path> <svg-text-path d="M0,90H180">Web Components</svg-text-path> <style> svg { background:pink } textPath { fill: green } [d*="H"] svg {background:lightgreen} </style> <script> customElements.define("svg-text-path", class extends HTMLElement { connectedCallback() { setTimeout(() => { // make sure innerHTML is parsed let id = Math.random()*1e32; this.innerHTML = `<svg width="180" height="180"> <path id="TP${id}" pathLength="100" fill="none" stroke="black" d="${this.getAttribute("d")||'M0,0L180,180'}" stroke-width="3"/> <text font-size="24" dy="-10"> <textPath href="#TP${id}" text-anchor="middle" startOffset="50" > ${this.innerHTML}</textPath></text></svg>`; }) } }) </script>

  • Note: You can only create Web Components in the HTML NameSpace extends HTMLElement , alas not (yet) in the SVG NameSpace. But as shown you can use Web Components to create SVG

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