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Use Jquery in Laravel Vite

I get an error when try to import jquery in laravel VITE, jquery seems to be loaded in my compiled javascript:

       Uncaught TypeError: window.$ is not a function
    at dashboard:1823:12
(anonimo) @ dashboard:1823
[Violation]Forced reflow while executing JavaScript took 72ms
       Uncaught Error: Bootstrap's JavaScript requires jQuery
    at app.0bbf2228.js:50:31

App.js is:

import vue from "vue";
window.Vue = vue;

import jQuery from 'jquery'
window.$ = jQuery;

import './bootstrap';

Found an answer here:

This is because jQuery when imported in an ESM context considers itself in non-global mode and therefore does not put $ on window, but bootstrap is eagerly initialized on import and expects $ to be available on window.

This is unfortunately a case where jQuery and Bootstrap were designed without ESM in mind so they rely on implicit global coupling to work.

– Evan You on the GitHub bug report


jQuery does support ESM, it's stated in the README on their npm package page, scroll to the Including jQuery section, and babel .

import $ from "jquery";
window.$ = $;

What is most likely the issue is you are trying to access $ on the window object before it has been loaded in. Laravel loads its scripts as JavaScript modules which are deferred by default.

So if you're trying to access jQuery using a blocking inline <script> tag, jQuery won't be available when the browser executes that JavaScript.

If you want to use jQuery in inline <script> tags, then use inline JavaScript modules instead, and add them after your @vite Blade directive.


<script type="module">
$('h1').text('Hello, World')

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