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Implement pooling with rxjs - wait for correct response and do it with timeout and delay

I have to implement pooling in my case, but I have some problem with correct implement all my condition.

So first, I have to call to one endpoint, and after it return success, call another endpoint until it returns correct response (It always return success /200/, but for me most important is response, so if the response will be {state: 'ready'} or if time will pass (20 sec), I should stop call api.

  executeTest$(testCode: string, name: string): Observable<Test> {
    let requestDelay = 500;
    return this.testService.start({
      body: {
        code: {value: testCode},
      switchMap(body => {
        return this.testStatus(body.name).pipe(
          // and here I have problem to implement logic: 
    repeat this http until condition is met, so until response will be {state: 'ready'}
    I see that repeat when is deprecated and retry when is suitable for errors.


  private testStatus(testId: string): Observable<Test> {
    return this.http.get(apiUrl)

You have to change the inner switchMap observable to below. takeUntil and repeat should help here.

switchMap(body => {
  const subject: Subject<boolean> = new Subject();
  const completeSubject = () => {
  return this.testStatus(body.name).pipe(
    tap(res => {
      if (res.status === ready) {
    finalize(() => completeSubject())

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