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Gettin the value from a selected option in Selectize.js

I am using multiselect in selectize.js, how do i get the vales from the select options: html:

<div class="selectBox1" multiple="multiple">
        <select id="period">
          <option value="day">Day</option>
          <option value="week">Week</option>
          <option value="month">Month</option>
          <option value="year">Year</option>

select.js init:

  sortField: "text",
  placeholder: "Select a Period..",

I tried to get the value by simply using this code:

var values = $('#period').val();

but it returns an empty array. what can i do?

Just add onChange handler:

  sortField: "text",
  placeholder: "Select a Period..",
  onChange(value) {

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