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I am having a problem with bcrypt compare. I succed to hash password on Register page, but I not to compare successfully on login page. Please help :)

Here is Register form, I get the hashed password:

getAllUsers().then((res) => {
      let user = res.data.find(
        (u) => u.ugovor === ugovor && u.merilo === merilo

      if (user) {
        setUser(user) {
        bcrypt.genSalt(10, (err, salt)=> {
          bcrypt.hash(loggedIn.password, salt, (err, hash) => {
            postUser(loggedIn.id, hash, password, email).then((res) => {
              user = res.data;
              setPassword(prev => [...prev, hash]);
              //loggedIn.password = hash;
              setEmail(prev => [...prev, user]);
              console.log("uspesna registracija");
      } else {
        setError("Не постоји купац са унесеним бројем Уговора и мерила");
        return 0;

And here is LogIn form, everytnihg works but compare hashed password:

getAllUsers().then((res) => {
      let user = res.data.find(
        (u) => u.ugovor === ugovor && u.password === password
       const doesPasswordMatch = bcrypt.compareSync(password, user.password); 
       if(!doesPasswordMatch) {
         console.log('compare not success');
         return 0;

} else {

        console.log('compare success')

} if (user) {

        console.log("uspesno ulogovan");
      } else {
        setError("Broj Ugovora i lozinka se ne podudaraju");


I tried compare, compareSync, with await, even this, but nothing works, it wont recognise hashed password:

bcrypt.compare(password, user.password, function(err, result) {
// result == true


Try this for your login. Please, remember to give some feed up.

getAllUsers().then((res) => {
 // look for user
 let user = res.data.find((u) => u.ugovor === ugovor);

 if (user) {
  // user is found
  const hashedPassword = u.password; // get stored hashed password
  // compare passwords
  const doesPasswordMatch = bcrypt.compareSync(password, hashedPassword, (err, result) => {
    if (err) console.log(err);
     // result == true

  if (doesPasswordMatch) {
   // correct password
   console.log("compare success");
   console.log("uspesno ulogovan");
  } else {
   // wrong password
   console.log("compare not success");
   return 0;
} else {
 // user is not found
 setError("Broj Ugovora i lozinka se ne podudaraju");


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