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How to Post Encrypted request to external URL in asp.net core2.1

I have an existing asp.net application and trying to migrate it to netcoreapp2.1 (MVC). The following code posts to external URL in asp.net application

   if (DisplayType.SelectedValue == "1")
            Form.Action = txt_payment_gateway_url.Text;
        else if (DisplayType.SelectedValue == "2")
            RedirectionURL.Value = txt_payment_gateway_url.Text;

in asp.net core appliction im using this code to post the encryptd request to external apllication

     var result = PostEncryptedData(data, VM.PaymentGatewayURL);
   private async Task<HttpResponseMessage> PostEncryptedData1(Dictionary<string, string> encryptedData, string url)
        HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
        List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> keyValuePairs = encryptedData.ToList();
        var content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(keyValuePairs);

        content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/x-www-form-urlencoded");

        return await client.PostAsync(url, content);


but during debug, it give me the result is not computed as shown Result is not computed

it has to be var result = await PostEncryptedData(data, VM.PaymentGatewayURL); . you missed the await

Public async Task<your required return type> YourMethodName()
 var result = await PostEncryptedData(data, VM.PaymentGatewayURL);

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