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How can I limit the number of options that show on my dropdown menu?

I'm trying to limit the number of options that these dropdown menus will show. Is there a way to do it?

 $.ajax({ url: "https://free-nba.p.rapidapi.com/teams", method: "GET", dataType: "json", headers: { 'X-RapidAPI-Key': "f8bbeecee3mshd11af53a602b7fcp133f59jsn3b4ffb3f20df", 'X-RapidAPI-Host': "free-nba.p.rapidapi.com"} }).then( (response) => { response.data.forEach ((teamObject) => { const teamName = teamObject.full_name; const teamID = teamObject.id; const htmlToAppend = ` <option value="${teamName}">${teamName}</option>` $teamDropDown.append(htmlToAppend); }); }); }
 <select name="team" id="teamDropDown"> <option value = " ">Select a team</option> </select>

these dropdown menus show but cant' seem to do it.

// you can modify the number of elements here
response.data.slice(0, 10).forEach ((teamObject) => {
      const teamName = teamObject.full_name;
      const teamID = teamObject.id;
      const htmlToAppend =
      <option value="${teamName}">${teamName}</option>`

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