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How can I see cloudfoundry properties are defined on an application

I'm deploying my CloudFoundry application, and want to configure some http routing properties as described in https://docs.cloudfoundry.org/concepts/http-routing.html

I think to configure what I want, I need to add this to my manifest.yml :

            enable_zipkin: true
          balancing_algorithm: least-connection

Question: However, when I deploy, how do I know that these properties really take place, for example that the balancing_algorithm works as I configured?

I tried:

  • cf app - doesn't show it
  • create-app-manifest - creates a manifest, but there's no properties: in it
  • Looking in Stratos , I don't see the properties anywhere

I've never tried to enable zipkin, bit "cf env APP" usually shows user provided configuration.

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