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Twilio function deployed with TypeScript cannot find module @twilio-labs/serverless-runtime-types

I'm trying to migrate a Twilio functions repo to use TypeScript. I completely rewritten one of the functions via TypeScript and successfully tested it locally. However, after I deployed the function, it started returning 500 with the following error: "message": "Cannot find module '@twilio-labs/serverless-runtime-types'

I'm trying to find out how I can correctly import and use types.

Some context:

  • Mainly followed this guide: https://www.twilio.com/blog/twilio-functions-typescript

  • Deployed the repo via: twilio serverless:deploy --functions-folder build/src/functions --runtime node14 --override-existing-project

  • Before compiling to javascript my import statement looks like this:

     import '@twilio-labs/serverless-runtime-types'; import * as VoiceResponse from '@twilio-labs/serverless-runtime- types/node_modules/twilio/lib/twiml/VoiceResponse'; import { Context, ServerlessCallback, ServerlessFunctionSignature, TwilioClient } from '@twilio-labs/serverless-runtime-types/types';
  • And after compiling the import statement looks like this:


I tried adding the type dependency @twilio-labs/serverless-runtime-types as production dependency rather than a dev dependency via npm.

npm i @twilio-labs/serverless-runtime-types -P

I deployed the function again after this change. Now, I'm not getting the 500 error and the function works as expected.

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