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How to Show/Hide element on specifict url/endpoint

Can we make a script that allows to hide certain elements when endpoints are loaded in our website URL???

For example, when someone clicks on a currency option, it creates an endpoint "/?wmc-currency=USD". Or if implemented into the web like this https://www.yoursite.com/product/?wmc-currency=USD .

I want a div or any element to be hidden when "/?wmc-currency=USD" is added to the url.

Any help would be very valuable to me. Thanks very much

 function checkEndpoint() { if(window.location.search=="?wmc-currency=USD") { document.getElementById('testid').style.width = 0; } } checkEndpoint(); // you can also delete the div if you want but with this, you can always bring // it back without having to remake it

make sure you change the id for the div you want

This is the code I ended up using, because style.width doesn't hide the text.... So I use display none

  function checkEndpoint() {
  if(window.location.search=="?wmc-currency=USD") {
    document.getElementById('testid')style.display = 'none';

But still, I thank you very much

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