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Website deployed on AWS EC2 Using FileZilla isn't showing live changes

My organization is using AWS and I connected to it using FileZilla.

Server Folder Path:

  • Source
  • -> Website Folder
  • ---> Client
  • ------> All files visible here which are things from the create-react-app


Build, Node_modules, Public, Src, and other files including Makefile

On my local computer I used npm install to gather the latest files, then I made some changes and when I finished I ran "Npm run build" and then copied over all folders including the new build folder.

I used drag and drop into the filezilla window.

Now when I check the live website for changes, it still shows the old information even though it's updated on my local build. I don't understand.

Is there another way to deploy this properly? I don't see why I can't drag and drop the source files over. It's just static changes.

Things I tried:

  • Clearing Cache
  • Using different browser
  • Incognito
  • Reconnecting to server via filezilla

I figured it out. Only took forever.

The solution was to connect using ssh client and push transfer the files over directly.

I used putty to do this.

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