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How to change Azure text to speech silence timeout in JavaScript

I'm using Azure SpeechSDK services for speech-to-text transcription using recognizeOnceAsync . The current code resembles:

var SpeechSDK, recognizer, synthesizer;
var speechConfig = SpeechSDK.SpeechConfig.fromSubscription('SUB_KEY', 'SUB_REGION');
var audioConfig  = SpeechSDK.AudioConfig.fromDefaultMicrophoneInput();
recognizer = new SpeechSDK.SpeechRecognizer(speechConfig, audioConfig);
new Promise(function(resolve) {
    recognizer.onend = resolve;
        function (result) {
            recognizer = undefined;
        function (err) {
            recognizer = undefined;
}).then(r => {
    console.log(`Azure STT enterpreted: ${r}`);

In the HTML file I import the Azure package like so:

<script src="https://aka.ms/csspeech/jsbrowserpackageraw"></script>

The issue is that I would like to increase the amount of "Silence time" which is allowed before the recognizeOnceAsync method returns the result. (Ie you should be able to stop and take a breath without the method assuming you're done talking). Is there any way to do this with fromDefaultMicrophoneInput ? I've tried various things like:

speechConfig.SpeechServiceConnection_EndSilenceTimeoutMs = SILENCE_UNTIL_TIMEOUT_MS;
audioConfig.setProperty("Speech_SegmentationSilenceTimeoutMs", SILENCE_UNTIL_TIMEOUT_MS);

but none seem to extend the "silence time allowance" correctly.

This is the resource which I have been looking at: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/javascript/api/microsoft-cognitiveservices-speech-sdk/propertyid?view=azure-node-latest

Based on what you're describing, you'd need to set the segmentation silence timeout. Unfortunately, there is a bug in the JS SDK at the moment and the PropertyId.Speech_SegmentationSilenceTimeoutMs is not being set correctly.

As a workaround, you can instead set the segmentation timeout as follows:

const speechConfig = SpeechConfig.fromSubscription(subscriptionKey, subscriptionRegion);
speechConfig.speechRecognitionLanguage = "en-US";

const reco = new SpeechRecognizer(speechConfig);
const conn = Connection.fromRecognizer(reco);
conn.setMessageProperty("speech.context", "phraseDetection", {
        "segmentation": {
            "mode": "custom",
            "segmentationSilenceTimeoutMs": 5000
    mode: "Interactive"

    (result) =>
        console.log("Recognition done!!!");
        // do something with the recognition
    (error) =>
        console.log("Recognition failed. Error:" + error);

Please note that the allowed range for the segmentation timeout is 100-5000 ms (inclusive)

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