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How do I redirect to another web page from an ASP.NET Controller using JavaScript?

I am working on an Angular 1 website with ASP.NET MVC backend. I need a link to gather some parameters using JavaScript, then go to a controller to get the correct URL, then send the user to a different website. However nothing I try is working.

This is the HTML if it matters:

<a href="#" target="_blank" id="Link">Some text</a>

This is my JavaScript:

$("#Link").on('click', function (event) {
        window.location = "/Data/SendToOtherSite?Name=" + $("#nameTextBox").val() + "&Email=" + $("#emailTextBox").val();

And this is the method on my controller:

public ActionResult SendToOtherSite(string Name, string Email)
            string url = System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["OtherSiteUrl"] 
                + "/Data/DataFromOldSite?name=" + Name + "&email=" + Email;
            return Redirect(url);

I have a breakpoint on SendToOtherSite() but it is never hit and I do not get taken to the new website. What do I need to do?

Try the following:

$("#Link").click(function (event) {
    window.location.href = '@Url.Action("SendToOtherSite", "Data")?name=' + $("#nameTextBox").val() + '&email=' + $("#emailTextBox").val();

The action method parameters should be properly formatted to be able correctly parsed by the MVC standard binding process. Therefore, the @Url.Action() should be used to build the correct route.

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