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node js require description for '@' symbol for the path?

What is this @ in the require? can someone describe?

let bla = require('@/api/blabla'); what is the "@" symbol means in this path?

You are probably talking about the resolve.alias in Webpack or subpath patterns in Node.js? They often resolve to @ for their src Directory (for example in Vue.js this is used often but is not limited to vue.js).

For example if @ resolves to the src folder in this structure:

├─ src/
│  ├─ foo/
│  │  ├─ bar.js
│  ├─ index.js
├─ package.json

Those imports from index.js will be the same:

  • @/index.js and ./index.js
  • @/foo/bar.js and ./foo/bar.js

and from bar.js those will be the same:

  • @/index.js and ../index.js
  • @/foo/bar.js and ./bar.js

So these operators can help you to navigate in extremely nested directories to find your files.

It depends upon the package name. Some packages like @fastify/helmet will be written as require('@fastify/helmet')

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