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Issue while creating multiple subnets using for_each in Terraform

Context: This is continuation of what I was doing at below post.

what is correct way of reference to value in object/map type value in terraform

Objective : Trying to create subnets in loop using for_each in terraform

My terraform.tfvars.json : (only I have mentioned variable realated to my problem I am facing)

 "subnets" : {
        "Dev" :
          "name"                 : "GatewaySubnet",
          "address_prefixes"     : [""]
        "dns-snet" : {
          "name"                 : "InboundDNSSubnet",
          "address_prefixes"     : [""]
        "common_snet" : {
          "name"                 : "Common",
          "address_prefixes"     : [""]
        "clientdata_snet" : {
          "name"                 : "ClientDataSubnet",
          "address_prefixes"     : [""]
        "Stage" :
          "name"                 : "GatewaySubnet",
          "address_prefixes"     : [""]
        "dns-snet" : {
          "name"                 : "InboundDNSSubnet",
          "address_prefixes"     : [""]
        "common_snet" : {
          "name"                 : "Common",
          "address_prefixes"     : [""]
        "clientdata_snet" : {
          "name"                 : "ClientDataSubnet",
          "address_prefixes"     : [""]
        "Prod" :
          "name"                 : "GatewaySubnet",
          "address_prefixes"     : [""]
        "dns-snet" : {
          "name"                 : "InboundDNSSubnet",
          "address_prefixes"     : [""]
        "common_snet" : {
          "name"                 : "Common",
          "address_prefixes"     : [""]
        "clientdata_snet" : {
          "name"                 : "ClientDataSubnet",
          "address_prefixes"     : [""]

My vnet creation code:

resource "azurerm_virtual_network" "vnet" {
  name                = var.hub_vnet_name
  location            = azurerm_resource_group.rg[0].location
  resource_group_name = azurerm_resource_group.rg[0].name
  for_each = {for k,v in var.vnet_address_space: k=>v if k == "Dev"}
  address_space       =  each.value
  dns_servers         = var.dns_servers
  tags     = {
    environment = "${var.env}"
    costcentre = "14500"
  dynamic "ddos_protection_plan" {
    for_each = local.if_ddos_enabled

    content {
      id     = azurerm_network_ddos_protection_plan.ddos[0].id
      enable = false

I am trying to create subnets with for_each like below

  resource "azurerm_subnet" "mysubnet" {
  for_each = {for k,v in var.subnets: k=>v if k == "Dev"}
  name                 = each.value.name
  address_prefixes     = [each.value.address_prefixes]
  virtual_network_name = var.hub_vnet_name
  resource_group_name  = var.resource_group_name

Error I get:

No errors in my terraform plan, its not creating vnet also as my plan is not validated.

Is my subnets variable definition ok?

I guess the below is not working at all.. correct way of accessing this nested value?

  name                 = each.value.name
  address_prefixes     = [each.value.address_prefixes]

Please help me to identify issue

The closest solution to which I got (based on your input) is this:

locals {
   net_subnets = merge([
    for env, network in var.subnets : {
      for k, v in network[0] :
      "${k}-${v.name}" => {
        subnet_name      = v.name
        address_prefixes = v.address_prefixes
      } if env == "Dev"

Here merge built-in function [1] and expanding function argument [2] are used. This will result in the output:

> local.net_subnets
  "clientdata_snet-ClientDataSubnet" = {
    "address_prefixes" = [
    "subnet_name" = "ClientDataSubnet"
  "common_snet-Common" = {
    "address_prefixes" = [
    "subnet_name" = "Common"
  "dns-snet-InboundDNSSubnet" = {
    "address_prefixes" = [
    "subnet_name" = "InboundDNSSubnet"
  "gw_snet-GatewaySubnet" = {
    "address_prefixes" = [
    "subnet_name" = "GatewaySubnet"

That means you can do for_each on that variable value, where the keys will be a combination of the *-snet key and name from the var.subnets variable. Then, the resource code block should look like:

resource "azurerm_subnet" "mysubnet" {
  for_each             = local.net_subnets
  name                 = each.value.subnet_name
  address_prefixes     = each.value.address_prefixes
  virtual_network_name = var.hub_vnet_name
  resource_group_name  = var.resource_group_name

In order to avoid the issue with pre-computed values required for for_each , it might be the best to use the locals block and just use the same logic for the pipeline, ie, instead of using if env == "Dev" , just use if env == var.env . Or alternatively define three local variables for each of the environments.

[1] https://www.terraform.io/language/functions/merge

[2] https://www.terraform.io/language/expressions/function-calls#expanding-function-arguments

I think this is seeming much more complex than it really is. What you seek, I believe, is the lookup function. Just lookup your var.env in the map. Your current data structure doesn't make much sense. I show it here as locals with just few enough to show the structure.

locals {
  subnets = {
    "Dev" = [
        "some_name_a" = {
          name             = "SomeOtherNameA",
          address_prefixes = [""]
        "some_name_b" = {
          name             = "SomeOtherNameB",
          address_prefixes = [""]
    "Stage" = [
        "some_name_a" = {
          name             = "SomeOtherNameA",
          address_prefixes = [""]
        "some_name_b" = {
          name             = "SomeOtherNameB",
          address_prefixes = [""]

So each environment section is a list of length one of an object with a key per some network name you don't need housing an object that actually defines your configuration. What you need is much more simple.

locals {
  subnets = {
    "Dev" = [
        name             = "SomeOtherNameA",
        address_prefixes = [""]
        name             = "SomeOtherNameB",
        address_prefixes = [""]
    "Stage" = [
        name             = "SomeOtherNameA",
        address_prefixes = [""]
        name             = "SomeOtherNameB",
        address_prefixes = [""]

In this case you can use:

resource "azurerm_subnet" "mysubnet" {
  for_each = { for v in lookup(var.subnets, env, []) : v.name => v.address_prefixes }

  name                 = each.key
  address_prefixes     = each.value
  virtual_network_name = var.hub_vnet_name
  resource_group_name  = var.resource_group_name

Or even more simple, given your data:

locals {
  subnets_simple = {
    "Dev" = {
      "SomeOtherNameA" = [""]
      "SomeOtherNameB" = [""]
    "Stage" = {
      "SomeOtherNameA" = [""]
      "SomeOtherNameB" = [""]

In this case, you should be able to simply use:

resource "azurerm_subnet" "mysubnet" {
  for_each = lookup(var.subnets, env, {})

  name                 = each.key
  address_prefixes     = each.value
  virtual_network_name = var.hub_vnet_name
  resource_group_name  = var.resource_group_name

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