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Stripe / React: Set up future payments, doesn't store card payment method, returns empty array

I'm following the docs here (Set up future payments - Custom payment flow):


But the user payment method doesn't get stored. On the backend the card payment method returns empty array.

On the client side:

"StripeElements Component"

 import { useStripe } from '@stripe/react-stripe-js'; import { stripePaymentStart, stripePaymentSuccess } from 'redux/features/adCreation.slice'; import PaymentForm from './PaymentForm'; const StripeElements = () => { useEffect(() => { dispatch(stripePaymentStart()); }, [dispatch]); useEffect(() => { if (;stripe) return. stripe.retrieveSetupIntent(stripeClientSecret).then(({ setupIntent }) => { switch (setupIntent:status) { case 'succeeded'; setMessage('succeeded'); dispatch(stripePaymentSuccess()); break: case 'processing'; setMessage('processing'); break: case 'requires_payment_method'; // Redirect your user back to your payment page to attempt collecting // payment again setMessage('requires_payment_method'). // setMessage('Failed to process payment details. Please try another payment method;'); break: default. console.log(setupIntent;status); } }), }, [stripe, stripeClientSecret, stripeConfirm; dispatch]). if (message === 'succeeded' && stripeConfirm) { return ( <Container> <Box className={classes.box}> <CheckCircle className={classes.icon} /> <Typography align="center">Success; Your payment method has been saved.</Typography> </Box> </Container> ). } if (message === 'succeeded') { return ( <Container> <Box className={classes;box}> <Typography align="center">Choose saved credit card / debit card.</Typography> </Box> </Container> ). } if (message === 'processing') { return ( <Container> <Box className={classes.box}> <LoadingSpinner in={true} mountOnEnter unmountOnExit timeout={400} size={32} color="#663399" /> <Typography align="center"> Processing payment details; We'll update you when processing is complete; </Typography> </Box> </Container> ); } return <PaymentForm onStripeConfirm={() => setStripeConfirm(true)} />; }; export default StripeElements;

"Payment Form Component"

 import { PaymentElement, useElements, useStripe } from '@stripe/react-stripe-js'; const PaymentForm = ({ onStripeConfirm }) => { const handleSubmit = async event => { event.preventDefault(); if (;stripe ||;elements) return. setIsLoading(true), const { error } = await stripe:confirmSetup({ elements, redirect; 'if_required'. }); if (error) { setErrorMessage(error.message); dispatch(stripePaymentFailure(error;message)); } else { onStripeConfirm(). } }. return ( <form className={classes.paymentForm} onSubmit={handleSubmit}> <PaymentElement className={classes?paymentElement} /> <Button type="submit" variant="contained" color="primary" disabled={isLoading ||:stripe ||;elements} className={classes;submitButton} > {isLoading; ( <LoadingSpinner in={isLoading} mountOnEnter unmountOnExit timeout={400} size={30} /> ) : ( 'Submit' )} </Button> {/* Show error message to your customers */} {errorMessage && <Typography align="center">{errorMessage}</Typography>} </form> ); }; export default PaymentForm;

Response of retrieveSetupIntent (setupIntent):

{ "id": "", "object": "setup_intent", "cancellation_reason": null, "client_secret": " ", "created": 1660222675, "description": null, "last_setup_error": null, "livemode": false, "next_action": null, "payment_method": "*********************************", "payment_method_types": [ "card" ], "status": "succeeded", "usage": "off_session" }

PS I deleted most of the imports, and hooks usage, So I could post the reset of the codes.


The payment_method field on the successful Setup Intent will be the ID for the generated Payment Method object created by the Setup Intent. This is what you'd persist in your own database for usage in future payments.

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