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Triggering ChartJS Point Hover from elsewhere on the page

I'm using chartjs to generate a line graph with points for each element. Currently, hovering over a point on the graph triggers a tooltip for that data point. Is it possible to trigger this mouseover event (and the resulting tooltip) from elsewhere on the page? (More specifically, hovering over a row in a table should trigger the corresponding data point on the graph)

         function render_graph(input) {
            // setup block
            const data = {
                datasets: [{
                    type: 'line',
                    parsing: {
                        yAxisKey: 'Average Pace',
                        xAxisKey: 'Date',
                    label: '# of Votes',
                    radius: 3,
                    data: arr,
                    backgroundColor: 'red',
                    borderColor: 'red',
                    borderWidth: 1,
                    label: "Pace",

            // config block
            const config = {
                options: {
                    scales: {
                        x: {
                            type: 'time',
                            time: {
                                unit: 'year'
                        y: {
                            suggestedMin: 360,
                            suggestedMax: 900,
                            ticks: {
                                stepSize: 30,
                                padding: 2,
                                callback: function(value, index, ticks) {
                                    minutes = Math.floor(value / 60);
                                    seconds = value % 60;
                                    if (seconds == 0) {
                                        seconds = "00";
                                    x = minutes + ':' + seconds;

                                    return x;

            // render / init block
            const myChart = new Chart(
            return myChart;

You could use setActiveElements tooltip/chart API. Here is a snippet code to show how it works.

 const ctx = document.getElementById("myChart"); const myChart = new Chart(ctx, { type: 'line', data: { labels: ['January', 'Fabruary', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July'], datasets: [{ label: 'user 1 online', data: [50, 35, 45, 47, 0, 3, 27], backgroundColor: 'rgba(40, 139, 170, 1)', borderColor: 'rgb(40, 139, 170)', pointHoverBackgroundColor: 'yellow', pointHoverRadius: 20 }] } }); document.getElementById('chart').addEventListener('click', function() { if (myChart.getActiveElements().length > 0) { myChart.setActiveElements([]); } else { myChart.setActiveElements([ { datasetIndex: 0, index: 1, }, { datasetIndex: 0, index: 3, } ]); } myChart.update(); }); document.getElementById('tooltip').addEventListener('click', function() { const tooltip = myChart.tooltip; if (tooltip.getActiveElements().length > 0) { tooltip.setActiveElements([], {x: 0, y: 0}); } else { const chartArea = myChart.chartArea; tooltip.setActiveElements([ { datasetIndex: 0, index: 1 } ], { x: (chartArea.left + chartArea.right) / 2, y: (chartArea.top + chartArea.bottom) / 2, }); } myChart.update(); });
 .myChartDiv { max-width: 600px; max-height: 400px; }
 <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/chart.js@3.9.1/dist/chart.min.js"></script> <html> <body> <div class="myChartDiv"> <canvas id="myChart" width="600" height="400"/> </div> <button id="chart">Chart active element</button> <button id="tooltip">Tooltip active element</button> </body> </html>

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