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Batch script to generate a random date to be integrated into a command that applies to a batch of files

If anyone can help me, I'm having a hard time

I am using timestomper to change the date of my files, I would like to randomize the date for each file to get random sorting.

This is what I've done so far, the script is definitely very bad, but I've tried...

    @echo off & setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
    Set /a _day=(!RANDOM!*25/32768)+1
    Set /a _month=(!RANDOM!*12/32768)+1
    Set /a _hours=(!RANDOM!*22/32768)+1
    Set /a _minutes=(!RANDOM!*60/32768)+1
for /r %%v in (*.jpg) do (
    timestomper -z %_month%-%_day%-2022 %_hours%:%_minutes%:01 -p "%%v"

the output of my script:

a.jpg 04/12/2010 10:20
b.jpg 04/12/2010 10:20
c.jpg 04/12/2010 10:20
d.jpg 04/12/2010 10:20

What I want is a randomly generated date for each file:

a.jpg 04/12/2010 10:20
b.jpg 10/02/2001 22:02
c.jpg 01/02/2004 15:27
d.jpg 12/20/2008 08:13

What timstomper needs is a date and a path to the file:

timestomper -z 10-20-1994 14:2:01 -p C:\full\path

I hope to be clear in my request

Ok. This is your original code:

    @echo off & setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
    Set /a _day=(!RANDOM!*25/32768)+1
    Set /a _month=(!RANDOM!*12/32768)+1
    Set /a _hours=(!RANDOM!*22/32768)+1
    Set /a _minutes=(!RANDOM!*60/32768)+1
for /r %%v in (*.jpg) do (
    timestomper -z %_month%-%_day%-2022 %_hours%:%_minutes%:01 -p "%%v"


In my advice I said: "You must move the for /r %%v in (*.jpg) do ( command before the first Set /a _day= command and change the percents in timestomper invocation by exclamation marks, excepting in the "%%v" part, of course!"

Let's follow these instructions step by step:

"You must move the for /r %%v in (*.jpg) do ( command before the first Set /a _day= command"

That is:

    @echo off & setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
                                              to here <----+
    Set /a _day=(!RANDOM!*25/32768)+1                      |
    Set /a _month=(!RANDOM!*12/32768)+1                    |
    Set /a _hours=(!RANDOM!*22/32768)+1                    |
    Set /a _minutes=(!RANDOM!*60/32768)+1                  |
for /r %%v in (*.jpg) do (                    from here >--+
    timestomper -z %_month%-%_day%-2022 %_hours%:%_minutes%:01 -p "%%v"


... giving:

    @echo off & setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /r %%v in (*.jpg) do (
    Set /a _day=(!RANDOM!*25/32768)+1
    Set /a _month=(!RANDOM!*12/32768)+1
    Set /a _hours=(!RANDOM!*22/32768)+1
    Set /a _minutes=(!RANDOM!*60/32768)+1
    timestomper -z %_month%-%_day%-2022 %_hours%:%_minutes%:01 -p "%%v"


Then "change the percents in timestomper invocation by exclamation marks, excepting in the "%%v" part"

    @echo off & setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /r %%v in (*.jpg) do (
    Set /a _day=(!RANDOM!*25/32768)+1
    Set /a _month=(!RANDOM!*12/32768)+1
    Set /a _hours=(!RANDOM!*22/32768)+1
    Set /a _minutes=(!RANDOM!*60/32768)+1
    timestomper -z !_month!-!_day!-2022 !_hours!:!_minutes!:01 -p "%%v"


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