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Swift: Make Int Enum conform to Plottable protocol in order to show a legend using Swift Charts

I am trying to make my Int enum conform to Plottable in order to use a legend in my Swift Charts. I'm not sure if I've understood the way on how to implement it correctly. Here is how my enum:

enum Type: Int, CaseIterable, Identifiable, Plottable {
      init?(primitivePlottable: Int) {
           self.init(rawValue: primitivePlottable)

      var primitivePlottable: Int {
           return rawValue

      var id: Int {
           return rawValue

      case first = 32
      case second = 434


My chart looks like this:

 Chart {
      if let allObejcts = object.objects(type: Type.first) {
           ForEach(allObejcts) { object in
                     x: .value("#", object.indexInSegment),
                     y: .value("Distance", object.distance)
                .foregroundStyle(by: .value("type", object.type))
.chartLegend(position: .bottom, spacing: 8)
                    Type.first: Color.pink,
                    Type.second: Color.yellow
.frame(minHeight: 200)

图表截图 Despite compiling and running with no errors, the legends isn't visible. ♂️

As documentation states for enum it should be String as raw type


so making next works (tested with Xcode 14b5 / iOS 16)

enum Type: String, CaseIterable, Identifiable, Plottable {
    init?(primitivePlottable: String) {
        self.init(rawValue: primitivePlottable)
    var primitivePlottable: String {
        return rawValue
    var id: String {
        return rawValue
    case first = "32"
    case second = "434"

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