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Spreading return value of lamda function as props

I know my title is quite weird. but allow me explain this first.

const alter = (currentFloor: number) => {
        if (overallState.startFloor === '' || overallState.endFloor === '')
            return {}
        if (
            Number(overallState.startFloor) <= currentFloor &&
            Number(overallState.endFloor) >= currentFloor
        ) {
            return { selectedKey: overallState.state }
        return {}

/* ... */

      {...alter(index)} // how does it works????

I have a function which returns object have prop of fluent UI conditionally.

as you can see, function alter returns object or undefined. but still, it is function.

I never heard about I can spread function itself in curly braces.

These codes work as I intended. but I have no idea how it works.

Can you please ask me what happened in these codes? Thanks.

you can spread the return value of a function in curly braces. not function itself.

in this case, your function will run first and return an object. then that object will spread.

{...alter(index)} -> {...{ selectedKey: overallState.state } or {}} -> {selectedKey: overallState.state}

Hope you understand.

These are fundamendals of how react translates JSX to its own code. Basicaly if you write


Jsx will be translated to something like

React.createElement('Dropdown', {placeholder: "placeholder, options: someOptions})

if you use spread syntax like in your code

      {...alter(index)} // how does it works????

it will be same as

React.createElement('Dropdown', {placeholder: "placeholder", options: someOptions, ...alter(index)})

and this works, because alter(index) function is called, which javascript simply see as given returned object which can be something like { selectedKey: overallState.state } whis is the same as

React.createElement('Dropdown', {placeholder: "placeholder", options: someOptions, ...{ selectedKey: overallState.state }})

which becomes

React.createElement('Dropdown', {placeholder: "placeholder", options: someOptions, selectedKey: overallState.state })

and transformed back in JSX


its work just like basic spread syntax of object in function parameters.

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