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Why does a callback in setTimeout have this == Window even in strict mode?

I am learning JS now and can not understand why 'use strict' directive does not work for a callback for setTimeout? As I know for use strict it should be undefined but always have global object.

 function f() { 'use strict' console.log(this === window) } function g() { console.log(this === window) } setTimeout(g,1000) // expect true, have true setTimeout(f,1000) // expect false, have true

When setTimout() invokes a function in the browser, it sets the this to window . That is why it is not affected by strict mode - the this value is provided, instead of being left unset.

The specification for setTimeout can be found in the HTML standard

The timer initialization steps , given a WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope global , a string or Function handler , a number timeout , a list arguments , a boolean repeat , and optionally (and only if repeat is true) a number previousId , are:

1. Let thisArg be global if that is a WorkerGlobalScope object; otherwise let thisArg be the WindowProxy that corresponds to global .


9. Let task be a task that runs the following substeps:

  1. If id does not exist in global 's map of active timers, then abort these steps.

  2. If handler is a Function , then invoke handler given arguments with the callback this value set to thisArg . If this throws an exception, catch it, and report the exception.


In essence, the result is similar to calling the function like so:

 function f(){ 'use strict' console.log(this) } f.call(window)

You may think about this===Window when you call a function like f() in non-strict mode as a default value for this (passed value is undefined ).

But there is also a way to provide this value explicitly eg


In that case this is set explicitly and no default value for non-strict this is needed. Both strict and non-strict functions will show the same Window.

Frankly speaking when you pass a function as a callback you do not know how that callback will be called and you need to check the code of a wrapper function.

setTimeout does something like that pseudofunction:

function setTimeout(callback, delay, param3, param4,...){
  // waiting a timer
  callback.call(Window, param3, param4, ...)

PS If you are interested in I posted couple of years ago about that - https://dev.to/smlka/easyspec-how-does-settimeout-invoke-a-callback-function-in-a-browser-44kh

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