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Typoscript HMENU special get available pages only

How to make this HMENU display only the available pages?

Hope it is clear: at the moment it displays links for pages that lead to a 404 - Page not found

20 = HMENU
20 {
    special = language
    special.value = 0,1,2,3,4,5,6
    special.normalWhenNoLanguage = 0

    1 = TMENU
    1 {

        wrap (
                    <div class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="dropdownMenuLink">

        NO = 1
        NO {
            doNotLinkIt = 1
            linkWrap = |
            stdWrap {
                typolink {
                    parameter.data = page:uid
                    additionalParams = &L=0 || &L=1 || &L=3 || &L=4 || &L=5 || &L=6 || &L=7 || &L=8 || &L=9 
                    ATagParams = class="dropdown-item"
                    addQueryString = 1
                    addQueryString.exclude = L,id,no_cache
                    addQueryString.method = GET
                    no_cache = 0


        ACT < .NO
        ACT {
            stdWrap {
                typolink {
                    #Add class to disable already active language from dropdown items
                    ATagParams = class="disable-link-content"


        USERDEF1 < .NO
        USERDEF1 {
            noLink = 1

        USERDEF2 < .ACT
        USERDEF2 {
            noLink = 1


    #2 < .1

    #3 < .2


If more information is required please let me know..

there is no noLink option (although the manual of TYPO3 9 does include it in an example, which gets removed now)

use doNotLinkIt = 1

oh. as you already use it and generate the link on your own with stdWrap.typoLink you need to remove this link generation.

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