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VBA Compile Error: Argument Not Optional on Find

My ultimate goal: Have Excel_Doc_A and Word_Doc_A. Excel_Doc_A will use VBA to refer to Word_Doc_A, Find certain text values (in this example, " TITLE "), insert a hyperlink into that text field, and change the text to what is indicated in Excel_Doc_A, and then save the Word_Doc_A as a NEW file, Word_Doc_B, that has all the text replaced and hyperlinks included.

My code is below. I'm getting an error, "Compile Error: Argument Not Optional on Find". The piece of code that's generating this error is the


on the line

Set myFind = myRange.Find

Any ideas? Thanks!

Public Sub testing_1()

Dim documentApplication As Word.Application
Dim documentDocument As Word.Document

Set narApplication = CreateObject("word.application")
Set narDocument = narApplication.Documents.Open(ThisWorkbook.Path & "/document_template.docx")

Dim TITLE As String
Dim myRange As range
Dim myFind As Find
Dim filePath As String

TITLE = range("B1")

'For each value, find it's value in the blankdocument
Set myRange = narDocument.Content
Set myFind = myRange.Find
With myFind
    .Text = "__TITLE__"
    searchResult = .Execute
    .Replacement.Text = TITLE
End With

narDocument.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=myRange, Address:="http://www.google.com", TextToDisplay:="__TITLE__ "
filePath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "/document_test.docx"
narDocument.SaveAs2 Filename:=filePath

narDocument.Quit False
Set narApplication = Nothing
Set narDocument = Nothing

End Sub 

Dim myRange As Range is implicitly As Excel.Range . You get a compile error because Set myFind = myRange.Find is referencing the Excel Range.Find method. You need members from the Word object model.


Dim myRange As Word.Range
Dim myFind As Word.Find


Dim myRange As Object
Dim myFind As Object

It would be best to be consistent.


Dim documentApplication As Word.Application
Dim documentDocument As Word.Document
Set narApplication = New Word.Application


Dim documentApplication As Object
Dim documentDocument As Object
Set narApplication = CreateObject("word.application")

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