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Parse trigger error, afterFind expect results to be returned in the promise

I'm having an error when I try to use a simple afterFind trigger. I'm using Parse Server v4.2.0 via back4app

Parse.Cloud.afterFind('Device', async (req) => {

but the app crashes and start to prompt the error message

afterFind expect results to be returned in the promise

I noticed two things:

  • The error is also in the Device class
  • The error is only in some function

What I'm missing?

Because you are using async , it is expecting the promise to resolve to a query result. You have two options:

  1. since you are not using await in your trigger, you can just remove the async from your function:
Parse.Cloud.afterFind('Device', (req) => {
  1. You can return the objects at the end:
Parse.Cloud.afterFind('Device', async (req) => {
   return req.objects;

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