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striped background in Victory chart

I am trying to create a bar chart with Victory and I need to customise the background. I know there is a Background component and by adding these lines to a VictoryChart you can change the background color:

    padding={{left:100, top:50, bottom: 50, right: 10}}
    domainPadding={{x: 20}}
    domain={{ y: [0, 4] }}
    tickFormat={(tick) => `${tick}`}
       background: { 
         fill: "black"
    backgroundComponent={ <Background /> }

I need however to have a striped background, with 4 different colours, one for each y value - ie from 0 to basso is green, from basso to medio is orange and so on...

Is this something that can be achieved with Victory? Any advice more than welcome


Without knowing what your code looks like, I'll try this. replace the current black bg with a linear gradient.

This solution assumes that each Y axis element is evenly spaced and only 4 of the, though if you need more than 4 just add them.

background: rgb(30,115,14);
background: linear-gradient(0deg, rgba(30,115,14,1) 0%, rgba(30,115,14,1) 25%, rgba(212,92,15,1) 25%, rgba(212,92,15,1) 50%, rgba(6,82,169,1) 50%, rgba(6,82,169,1) 75%, rgba(0,212,255,1) 75%, rgba(0,212,255,1) 100%);

I don't know about your project configuration. But I hope this will help you


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