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"READ-ONLY ERROR" in react-native mobile application development?

const generateRandomBetween = (min,max,exclude) =>  {
    max =Math.floor(max);
    const rndnum= Math.floor(Math.random()*(max-min)) + min;
        generateRandomBetween = (min,max,exclude)
       return rndnum;

"here this code is generating random number between 1-100 and exclude used for computer not guessing the number in first try" "

generateRandomBetween in your case is a function that is assigned to a const variable.
Variables defined as const can not be reassigned, unlike let or var .

Hence, whenever the value of rndnum is equal to the value of exclude ,
you are trying to assign a new value to generateRandomBetween .

Im assuming that what you meant to say is that if rndnum is equal to exclude , re-run the function.
If that is the case, you should remove the "equals" sign.


const generateRandomBetween = (min,max,exclude) =>  {
    max =Math.floor(max);
    const rndnum= Math.floor(Math.random()*(max-min)) + min;
       return rndnum;

Note: we can also make this code a bit cleaner if we do a small syntax refactor.

const generateRandomBetween = (min,max,exclude) => {
    min = Math.ceil(min);
    max = Math.floor(max);
    const rndnum = Math.floor(Math.random()*(max-min)) + min;
    if(rndnum === exclude) {
        return generateRandomBetween(min,max,exclude);
    return rndnum;

The functionality remains the same, we just make the else block implicit, so to speak.

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