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Multiple visibility outputs from a if statements adobe animate html5

Thank you for your time I have a large animation I am working on with several if statements with many outputs I join the outputs with & ampersand and it all works ok, but when i try to call the visibility of a movie clip it will not work, here is a simple one i wrote using three movie clips.

this.black_sw.addEventListener("click", fl_ClickToHide.bind(this));

function fl_ClickToHide() { if(this.black_mc. visible== true)(

this.black_mc.visible = false 

this.redball.visible = true
else if(this.black_mc. visible== false)

    (this.black_mc.visible = true

this.redball.visible = false)


This does not work console error if I add a "&" to join the statements also console error, deleting one of the (visible = ) conditions in each part, it works, why, I am stumped.

best regards peter

this.black_sw.addEventListener("click", fl_ClickToHide.bind(this));

function fl_ClickToHide()
    if (this.black_mc.visible)
        this.black_mc.visible = false
        this.redball.visible = true
        this.black_mc.visible = true
        this.redball.visible = false


This should work

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