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Auto Set User/Team Lookup Field Value Using Power Automate In D365

In my project I want to set the user/team lookup field value in Test table with power automate flow.

But I want to not set directly field value, I have one field which is in Account table(Field Name is User) which is also user/team lookup field. I want to set, when the Account table lookup field is user then set field value(As Account Table User) in Test table and when the Account table field value is team then set the same field value(As Account Table Team) in Test table.

Actually when I add Account table look up field is User and I have added expression in user and team respectively it was show the error as below.


My Expressions are:

1.for User: if(empty(outputs('Get_Account_Details')?['body/_new_user_value']),concat('systemusers(',outputs('Get_a_row_by_ID_-_Get_Account_Owner')?['body/_parentsystemuserid_value'],')'),outputs('User_is_user'))

  1. For Team: if(empty(outputs('Get_Account_Details')?['body/_new_user_value']),'',outputs('Team_is_team'),)

If I use above expression for User and Account table User(Field) is user then It's properly work but when I use both expressions it was not work.

Anyone Help?

you will need to find out entity schema name of field _new_user_value If it is systemuser then set as systemuser, if not it is Team

For a Field _new_user_value_ you will have option in power automate as Entity Name, check that if it is Team or user and based on it you can perfrom setting value.

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