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How can I change border's color independent of it's width and shape in Jetpack compose?

How can I change composable's border's color, width and shape independently instead of having to pass all 3 properties in one function ie Modifier.border()

I have one simple use case where a 3rd party composable has some kind of border, let's say Red color, 2.dp width and Rectangle shape. Now I only want to change that border's color to Blue but don't mess up with the width and shape, how can I achieve this?

It would be nice to also have Modifer.borderColor() , Modifier.borderWidth() and Modifier.borderShape() extension function along side Modifier.border() . What would be it's implementation and how can I achieve this on my own?

You can create an extension function with default parameters

fun Modifier.border(
    width: Dp = 2.dp,
    color: Color = Color.Red,
    shape: Shape = RectangleShape
) = this.then(Modifier.border(width, color, shape))

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