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Podspec file never passes validation

I am trying to create my private pod using private github repo, following This Cocoapods tutorial

After the command pod repo add REPO_NAME SOURCE_URL ,
I have also run git tag 'xxx' .

Then I tried to run pod repo push REPO_NAME SPEC_NAME.podspec . It is trying to run the podspec validation there which never succeeds, saying The podspecName.podspec specification does not validate.

Some info I got using --verbose with the command is:

The following build commands failed:
Ld /Users/X/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/App-gaflnzkqhfeuxidotehnfoe/Build/Intermediates.noindex/App.build/Release-iphonesimulator/App.build/Objects-normal/arm64/Binary/App normal arm64 (in target 'App' from project 'App')

- ERROR | [iOS] xcodebuild: Returned an unsuccessful exit code.

Here is my podspec file:

     spec.name                     = 'x'
     spec.version                  = '1.9.4'
     spec.homepage                 = 'https://github.com/x/x'
     spec.source                   = { :http => 'https://github.com/x/x/raw/main/x.framework.zip' }
     spec.authors                  = ''
     spec.license                  = ''
     spec.summary                  = 'x Library'
     spec.libraries                = 'c++'
     spec.ios.deployment_target   = '12.0'
     spec.module_name = 'x'
     spec.ios.vendored_frameworks = 'x.framework'
     spec.dependency 'SQLCipher', '4.5.1'

Is using tags a must in private pods? Do I need to mention tags in podspec?

Recent Xcodes expect a .xcframework , including an arm64 slice, instead of a .framework . The error indicates that the Pod won't work for simulator development on an Arm-based Mac.

Alternatively, you can work around the CocoaPods validation error with --skip-import-validation

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