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No need to have underline in part of the txt

<div class="action btn-save">{{'SaveTitle' | translate}}({{row.box.length}})

.btn-save {
text-decoration: underline;

I have above code.. The result of it is: Save(3) with underline for whole but I need underline just for save and I dont want to have underline for (3). would you please help?

Use a span (or other HTML tag) to apply styles more specifically.

<div class="action btn-save">
  <span class="my-underline">{{'SaveTitle' | translate}}</span>

.my-underline {
  text-decoration: underline;

You can accomplish what you need by defining a tag such as span and then using that attribute in the HTML like so by changing its properties:


span {
 text-decoration: underline; 


<div class="action btn-save"> <span>{{'SaveTitle' | translate}}</span>({{row.box.length}})

enclose the text you want to underline inside a span tag and desribe it to be underlined.

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