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inferring a continuous latent parameter from a discrete observed parameter

I am interested in models where the observed data is a discretization of a continuous latent parameter.

As a simple example imagine that you have observations J_i ,


      J_i = 1 if L_i >= 1

      J_i = -1 if L_i < -1

      J_i = 0 if -1 <= L_i < 1 

where L_i = \mu + \epsilon_i

and we want to infer \mu

How would this be implemented in Stan?

Assuming that L[i] is normally distributed with mean mu and standard deviation epsilon[i] , one approach is to consider that J[i] is drawn from a categorical distribution of 3 categories (ie, -1, 0, 1), with parameters theta[i] (each of length 3), where each theta[i][j] is the area under the normal probability distribution with parameters (mu, epsilon[i]) , at the corresponding interval. An example can be seen below.

L 和 J 的示例分布。

So, we can include theta as a parameter matrix in a transformed parameters block, without needing to specify L at all in the Stan model. An example implementation is the following. Note that the categories are here considered as 1, 2, 3 instead of -1, 0, 1 , for convenience in using the categorical function.


data {
  int<lower=0> N;   // number of samples
  int J[N];         // observed values

parameters {
  real mu;                    // mean value to infer
  real<lower=0> epsilon[N];   // standard deviations

transformed parameters {
  matrix[N, 3] theta;         // parameters of categorical distributions
  for (i in 1:N) {
    theta[i, 1] = Phi((-1 - mu) / epsilon[i]);      // Area from -Inf to -1
    theta[i, 3] = 1 - Phi((1 - mu) / epsilon[i]);   // Area from 1 to Inf
    theta[i, 2] = 1 - theta[i, 1] - theta[i, 3];    // The rest of the area

model {
  mu ~ normal(0, 10);     // prior for mu
  for (i in 1:N) {
    epsilon[i] ~ lognormal(0, 1);     // prior for epsilon[i]
    J[i] ~ categorical(to_vector(theta[i]));

An example usage in R is the following.




# simulated data
N <- 20
mu <- -1.2      # This is the value we want to estimate
epsilon <- runif(N, 0.5, 2)
L <- rnorm(N, mu, epsilon)
J <- ifelse(L < -1, 1, ifelse(L >= 1, 3, 2))

mdl <- stan("model.stan", data = list(N = N, J = J))

samples <- extract(mdl, "mu")
mu_estimate <- list(mean = mean(samples$mu), sd = sd(samples$mu))

# $mean
# [1] -1.177485
# $sd
# [1] 0.2540879

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