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Transcription of hash_hmac and hex2bin PHP functions to NodeJS

I have a PHP script which use HMAC and a key to generate a hash. It works well:

$payload = '1605697463367HELLO';
$key = '861bbfc01e089259091927d6ad7f71c8b46b7ee13499574e83c633b74cdc29e3b7e262e41318c8425c520f146986675fdd58a4531a01c99f06da378fdab0414a';
$expected_result = '82ef9a8178dcb4df0b71540fa06d7da826ecb26e1977e230bdc8c9d6f9f1af84';

    hash_hmac('sha256', $payload, $key),
    hash_hmac('sha256', $payload, hex2bin($key)),
    [0] => 466d4640b64eecc71e8a2dbd3bafdda0118295e07214e7a7845189699fcf7aa5
    [1] => 82ef9a8178dcb4df0b71540fa06d7da826ecb26e1977e230bdc8c9d6f9f1af84
    [2] => 82ef9a8178dcb4df0b71540fa06d7da826ecb26e1977e230bdc8c9d6f9f1af84
GOOD! [1] matches [2]!

Now I need to translate this into NodeJS. I tried without success these solutions:

const crypto = require('crypto');
const { TextEncoder } = require('util');
const { HmacSHA256 } = require('crypto-js');
const hex2bin = str => str.match(/.{1,2}/g).reduce((str, hex) => str += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(hex, 16)), '');

const payload = '1605697463367HELLO';
const key = '861bbfc01e089259091927d6ad7f71c8b46b7ee13499574e83c633b74cdc29e3b7e262e41318c8425c520f146986675fdd58a4531a01c99f06da378fdab0414a';
const expected_result = '82ef9a8178dcb4df0b71540fa06d7da826ecb26e1977e230bdc8c9d6f9f1af84';

    crypto.createHmac('SHA256', key).update(payload).digest('hex'),
    crypto.createHmac('SHA256', hex2bin(key)).update(payload).digest('hex'),
    HmacSHA256(payload, key).toString(),
    HmacSHA256(payload, hex2bin(key)).toString(),
    HmacSHA256((new TextEncoder()).encode(payload), key).toString(),
    HmacSHA256((new TextEncoder()).encode(payload), hex2bin(key)).toString(),
[ '466d4640b64eecc71e8a2dbd3bafdda0118295e07214e7a7845189699fcf7aa5',
  '82ef9a8178dcb4df0b71540fa06d7da826ecb26e1977e230bdc8c9d6f9f1af84' ]
BAD! no log matches the last!

What do I miss? Thanks for your help

EDIT : added a log for PHP without hex2bin for the key

@svgta pointed that the hex2bin function in JS may be broken. I found it somewhere on the web, but it was indeed broken.

Here is the hex2bin function that worked for me (found here https://stackoverflow.com/a/65160900/2030095 )

const hex2bin = hex => {
    const length = hex.length / 2;
    const result = new Uint8Array(length);
    for (let i = 0; i < length; i += 1) {
        result[i] = parseInt(hex.slice(i * 2, i * 2 + 2), 16);
    return result;

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