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How to add a generic SwiftUI view to another view?

When trying to use a generic type to init/add a view to another SwiftUI view, I get the error Type 'T' has no member 'init' . How can this be solved?

I guess the problem is, that View is just a protocol which only requires a body property and nothing more. But what type could be used instead?

Simple Example:

Trying to use TrippleView<T: View> which should create/show three views of type T . Adding views ( RedRectView or BlueCircleView ) is no problem. Passing these views as generic parameter fails:

struct SomeView: View {
    var body: some View {

struct TrippleView<T: View>: View {
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            // Does NOT work: Type 'T' has no member 'init'
            // Works fine
            // RedRectView()
            // BlueCircleView()
            // RedRectView()

struct RedRectView: View {...}
struct BlueCircleView: View {...}


The TrippleView is of course just an example. I would like to use the generic view just as any other generic type: To a common base "type" in different scenarios.

For example two versions of a list view which use a generic CellView to display the same data in two different styles / layouts.

You need a ViewBuilder inside your struct to initialize the view. Here's an example,

Struct that takes in generic view and returns a view.

struct TripleView<T: View>: View {
// simple example that takes in one parameter.
var someView: T

init(@ViewBuilder someView: () -> T) {
    self.someView = someView()

var body: some View {
    // You can modify your viewes here. 

Or you can take in multiple parameters

struct TripleViewsWithParam<T1: View, T2: View, T3: View>: View {
// you can take as many parameters as you want.
var someView1: T1
var someView2: T2
var someView3: T3

init(@ViewBuilder someView1: () -> T1, @ViewBuilder someView2: () -> T2, @ViewBuilder someView3: () -> T3) {
    self.someView1 = someView1()
    self.someView2 = someView2()
    self.someView3 = someView3()

var body: some View {
    VStack {

Calling the struct in your main view

struct SomeView: View {
var body: some View {
        TripleView {
            Text("Triple View Example")
            someView1: {
                Text("View 1")
            }, someView2: {
                Text("View 2")
            }, someView3: {
                Text("View 3")



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