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How to mock fetch in React Jest

I am new to react testing, I am trying to test my async function by mocking fetch requests. However, when I ran the test, it gave me a false positive. I expected the mock fetch to return the mock data but it returns the actual data from the database. What am I doing wrongly.

Here is the actual function I am testing.

export const fetchVisit = async (currentUserId, visitDate) => {
  try {
    const visitData = await axios.post(
    const {
      data: {
        data: { visit },
    } = visitData;

    return visit;
  } catch (err) {
    return err;

Here is the function in my test suite

const mockData = [
    serviceusersToVisit: [[Object], [Object]],
    _id: '1',
    currentUserId: '123',
    __v: 0,
    dateOfVisit: '2022-08-31T00:00:00.000Z',

global.fetch = jest.fn(() =>
    json: () => Promise.resolve(mockData),

describe('MOCK FETCH OF fetchVisit', () => {
  it('should fetch a single visit', async () => {
    let visitDate = {
      dateOfVisit: '2022-08-31T00:00:00.000+00:00',

    let visit = await fetchVisit('123', visitDate);

You are using axios.post() to make HTTP request, you should mock axios.post() method instead of fetch .


jest.spyOn(axios, 'post').mockResolvedValue({ data: mockData })

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