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Why isn't conversion from dp to px precise?

I'm trying to draw a black rectangle that covers the yellow Box composable , After converting the size to pixels . The Box is still slightly visible underneath. Is there a way around this?

val size = 50.dp
    modifier = Modifier
        .background(color = Color.Yellow)
        .drawWithContent {
            val sizePx = size.toPx()
                color = Color.Black,
                size = Size(width = sizePx, height = sizePx)


Dp to px conversion is dp.value * density and it's precise. However Modifier.layout or Layout returns dimensions in Int while conversion dpSize.toPx() and you can use dpSize.roundToPx() for Int conversion.

On my device

var text by remember { mutableStateOf("") }
val dpSize = 50.dp
    modifier = Modifier
        .background(color = Color.Yellow)
        .drawWithContent {
            val sizePx = dpSize.toPx()
            text = "drawWithContent: density: $density, dpSize in px: $sizePx, drawScope size: ${size.width}\n"
                color = Color.Black,
                size = Size(width = sizePx, height = sizePx),


Text(text = text)


When you draw anything inside DrawScope if you are going to draw anything that covers your Composable you don't need to pass a size.

You can use DrawScope.size. Same goes for pointerEvents either. inside pointer scope and draw scope you can get size without any extra work.

The issue you faced might be a preview bug. Even if it wasn't precise size you get from conversion is bigger than Composable size

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