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How to get ActionResult StatusCode in ASP.NET Core

I have an API whose return type is ActionResult :

public async Task<ActionResult> MyFunction(MyFunctionInput input) 
    if (input.Id == null) 
        retrun BadRequest("Id must exist");

    // Do some stuff

    return Ok();

I am calling this function from another API in same class and storing the result in a variable. But when ever I am trying to get the StatusCode from the result, it says ActionResult does not contain a definition for StatusCode like this

var response = await MyFunction(attInput);

if (response.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NotFound || 
    response.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)
    //To Do

I googled it but almost everyone said to convert the result to OkObjectResult .

What should I do now?

Your question need more explain??? How to call. you use HttpClient ? or call by Ajax ? Please edit your question by answer me questions.

Generally explain how to get states code in below

If you want request anther api in backend use HttpClient

// TODO: make request
var response = await client.GetAsync(url);

// get status code 
if(response.StatusCode == StatusCode.Ok) // when your endpoint success state
    //TODO: write code here 

Make HTTP requests using IHttpClientFactory in ASP.NET Core

Firstly,as you said,ActionResult does not contain a definition for StatusCode.If you want to get StatusCode with response.StatusCode ,you can try to use HttpClient as Zanyar J.Ahmed shown.If you want to get StatusCode with await MyFunction(attInput); ,you can try to set statuscode with Session in MyFunction .


public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

        services.AddSession(options =>
            options.IdleTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10);
            options.Cookie.HttpOnly = true;
            options.Cookie.IsEssential = true;


    public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)




public async Task<ActionResult> MyFunction(MyFunctionInput input) 
    if (input.Id == null) 
        HttpContext.Session.SetInt32("StatusCode", 400);
        retrun BadRequest("Id must exist");

    // Do some stuff
    if (HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("StatusCode") == null)
                HttpContext.Session.SetInt32("StatusCode", 200);
    return Ok();

get status code:

var response = await MyFunction(attInput);

if (HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("StatusCode")=400)
    //To Do

When looking at the source code of ActionResult<T> , we could see this:

public sealed class ActionResult<TValue> : IConvertToActionResult


IActionResult IConvertToActionResult.Convert()
    if (Result != null)
        return Result;

    int statusCode;
    if (Value is ProblemDetails problemDetails && problemDetails.Status != null)
        statusCode = problemDetails.Status.Value;
        statusCode = DefaultStatusCode;

    return new ObjectResult(Value)
        DeclaredType = typeof(TValue),
        StatusCode = statusCode

So it's there, but you need some code to get it:

private static int? GetStatusCode<T>(ActionResult<T?> actionResult)
    IConvertToActionResult convertToActionResult = actionResult; // ActionResult implicit implements IConvertToActionResult
    var actionResultWithStatusCode = convertToActionResult.Convert() as IStatusCodeActionResult;
    return actionResultWithStatusCode?.StatusCode;

Example usage:

ActionResult<MyResponse> actionResult = await controller.Get(request);
var statuscode = GetStatusCode(actionResult);

Please note, this seem to be implemented in .NET 6

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