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Keras Conv1D input for a very large number of samples

I have a dataset containing a huge amount of samples 1686663 and 107 features (1686663, 107). I'm building a neural network using keras, and wanted to apply a 1D convolution Conv1D.

The input for the Conv1D is (batch size, number_features, timestep). the batch size is basically the number of samples, however in my case i cannot use the number of samples which is too large for my RAM. So i selected a batch size = 512.

in_shape = (batch_size,x_train.shape[1],1)

Hence, my input shape is now (512, 107, 1).

I reshaped the training vectors to match the convolution:

x_train = x_train.reshape(x_train.shape[0],x_train_shape[1],1)

When running training i get the following error:

ValueError: Input 0 of layer "sequential_10" is incompatible with the layer: expected shape=(None, 512, 107, 1), found shape=(None, 107, 1) 

Could anyone tell me what I am missing here?

When you specify the input shape, either by adding atf.keras.Input layer as first layer, or by setting the argument input_shape directly in the first layer of your model, you don't have to add the batch size. So in your case it would be:

in_shape = (x_train.shape[1], 1)

The batch size is automatically set as first dimension of your input shape, by taking the value you set in the batch_size argument of the fit() method.

But if you do like this (batch_size, x_train.shape[1], 1) , it will add the batch size twice.

The error is basically saying that it expected to find (batch size, 512, 107, 1) but found (batch size, 107, 1) . It was expecting that additional 512, because you added the batch size twice.

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