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problem locating the xml within the xml search of the code

I have defined the xml as below with all information in it.

    <name>CRUD Generator</name>
    <author>User 1</author>
    <description>Generate ColdFusion Components based on Database Tables</description>
    <menucontributions >
        <contribution target="rdsview" >
            <menu name="CFC Generator">
                <action name="Create CFC" handlerid="startCRUD" showResponse="no">
                    <input name="location" default="paths" label="Enter destination" tooltip="Location where generated CFCs will be stored" type="projectdir" required="true"/>
                    <input name="generateService" label="Generate Service?" tooltip="Generate service to be consumed" type="boolean" checked="true"/>
                    <input name="scriptbased" label= "Script CFC?" type="boolean" />
    <!-- Define Handlers-->
        <handler id="startCRUD" type="CFM" filename="cfcGen.cfm" />
        <database name="dbo.AcademicDbo">
            <table name="abc">
                    <field name="id" type="int" length="" nullallowed="NO" primarykey="id"/>
                    <field name="CoreCode" type="varchar" length="50" nullallowed="NO" primarykey="id"/>
                    <field name="CoreDescription" type="varchar" length="250" nullallowed="NO" primarykey="id"/>
                    <field name="SubCriteriaID" type="int" length="" nullallowed="NO" primarykey="id"/>
                    <field name="modifiedby" type="int" length="" nullallowed="YES" primarykey="id"/>
                    <field name="insertby" type="int" length="" nullallowed="YES" primarykey="id"/>
                    <field name="modifieddate" type="datetime" length="" nullallowed="NO" primarykey="id"/>
                    <field name="insertdate" type="datetime" length="" nullallowed="NO" primarykey="id"/>
                    <field name="iLastActionBy" type="int" length="" nullallowed="YES" primarykey="id"/>
                    <field name="dLastActionDate" type="datetime" length="" nullallowed="YES" primarykey="id"/>
                    <field name="iLastActionBranch" type="int" length="" nullallowed="YES" primarykey="id"/>

now i have the cfc but i am having some trouble finding the xml and create a working code so my components can find its value but it is not working, i am definately missing some pieces here, my xml knowlledge is not good so having hard time doing it, i already tried 3 hours but none came out, now i seek guidance

<cffunction name="parseIDEEventInfo" returntype="struct" access="public">
    <cfargument name="xml" type="string" required="true" />
    <cfset extxml= xmlParse(ARGUMENTS.xml)>
    <cfset extsys = {}>
    <cfset dsarr=ArrayNew(1)>
    <cfset extxmlinput = xmlSearch(extxml, "/event/user/input")>
    <cfset extxmltable ="">
    <!--<cfset extsys.input = {}>-->
    <cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#arrayLen(extxmlinput)#" >
        <cfset StructInsert(extsys.input,"#extxmlinput[i].xmlAttributes.name#","#extxmlinput[i].xmlAttributes.value#")>
    <cfdump var="#extxml#">
    <cfset dsarr=xmlSearch(extxml, "/rdsview/database")>
    <cfdump var="#dsarr#">
    <cfset extsys.input.datasource = dsarr[1].XMLAttributes.name>
    <cfdump var="#extxml#">
    <!---<cfset extsys.input.database = getDBType(extsys.input.datasource)>--->
    <cfset extsys.table = []>
    <cfset extxmltable = xmlSearch(extxml, "/database/table")>
    <cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#arrayLen(extxmltable)#">
            <cfset extxmltable[i].xmlAttributes.name = getToken(extxmltable[i].xmlAttributes.name, 2, '.')>
        <cfset table = StructNew()>
        <cfset table.name=extxmltable[i].xmlAttributes.name>
        <cfset table.table=extxmltable[i].xmlAttributes.name>
        <cfset table.file=tCase(extxmltable[i].xmlAttributes.name)>
        <cfset table.field=[]>
        <cfif( StructkeyExists(extsys.input,"fromfb"))>
            <cfset table.field = getColumns(extxmltable[i].fields.field,"true")>
            <cfset table.field = getColumns(extxmltable[i].fields.field,"false")>
        <cfset table.key = []>
        <cfset table.foreign = []>
        <cfloop index="j" from="1" to="#arrayLen(table.field)#">
                <cfset arrayAppend(table.key, table.field[j])>
            <cfif table.field[j].isForeignKey >
            <cfset arrayAppend(table.foreign, table.field[j])>
        <cfset arrayAppend(extsys.table, table)>
    <!---- return success ---->
    <cfreturn extsys />     

the function which i am modifying to do it and make it working order

You are searching for /rdsview/database in your XML document, but the top level of the doc is applicaction .

There are two relevant strategies here. First: just get yer search string correct, it would be: /applicaction/rdsview/database . This returns results from your xmlSearch .

Secondly if you just wanted the nodes matching a subhierarchy of /rdsview/database anywhere in the doc (not necessarily immediately within application ) you could search for //rdsview/database .

However in this case it's the former you want to be doing, given /rdsview/database only appears in one place in the hierarchy in the first place.

I have found http://zvon.org/comp/r/tut-XPath_1.html#Pages~List_of_XPaths to be a good reference for explaining how XPath strings work.

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