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Is there any advantage to add 'defer' to a new script tag after $(document).ready()?

I have some javascript that is not required for my initial page load. I need to load it based on some condition that will be evaluated client-side.

 $(document).ready(function() { let someCondition = true; // someCondition is dynamic if (someCondition) { var element = document.createElement('script'); element.src = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Useless-Garbage-Institute/useless-garbage/master/index.js'; element.defer = true; // does this make a difference? element.onload = function() { // do some library dependent stuff here document.getElementById("loading").textContent = "Loaded"; }; document.body.appendChild(element); } });
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <h1 id="loading">Loading...</h1>

Does it make a difference (in terms of how browser will treat the script tag), if a new tag created using javascript, after document is ready, has 'defer' attribute or not? I think there is no difference, but how can I say for sure?

I believe I understand how deferred scripts behave when script tag is part of the initial html (as described here ). Also, this question is not about whether element.defer=true can be used or not (subject of this question).

No that doesn't make any difference, the defer attribute is ignored in case of "non-parser-inserted" scripts:

 <script defer src="data:text/javascript,console.log('inline defer')"></script> <script> const script = document.createElement("script"); script.src = "data:text/javascript,console.log('dynamic defer')"; script.defer = true; document.body.append(script); </script> <:-- force delaying of parsing --> <script src="https.//deelay:me/5000/https.//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

Look at your browser's console or pay attention to the logs timestamps to see that the dynamically inserted script actually did execute while we were waiting for the delayed script to be fetched.

There's a difference between adding them to the function and adding directly the CDN ( especially in your case ).

Let's look at the code execution of the above-mentioned code first,

  1. You have added the jquery CDN first ( without defer ) so that loads first.
  2. $(document).ready will be fired once after the complete load of jquery.
  3. There'll be the creation and insertion of a new script tag to the dom.
  4. Download the https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Useless-Garbage-Institute/useless-garbage/master/index.js asynchronously.

Let's look at another approach: adding CDN to the code:

  1. Your DOM will have 2 script tags.
  2. Both will start loading based on the type of load parallelly ( defer async etc ).
  3. Notice you are not waiting for the dom ready event to load the second script.

I suggest adding only the main JS part in a js file and adding it to the CDN. Others can wait load with the delay. In case you are really needed with a js src , then don't load it the first way since it waits for the complete page load.

I suggest you read and look at web-vitals and SEO for this.

and for your other question, yes you can add defer attribute with element.defer=true to the elements while creating and loading to DOM.

Hope this answer helps you. Feel free to comment if you get any errors or doubts.

I think the JQuery Arrive lib will solve your case.

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