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mysql (5.7) Binlog encryption

I am trying to use Binlog feature of mysql to capture changes and feed them to DWH. (my requirement is not for replication).

By looking at official documentation ( https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/replication-binlog-encryption.html ) - "From MySQL 8.0.14, binary log files and relay log files can be encrypted.." Does it mean it's not there for versions 5.x?

I am trying to enable Binlog for mysql 5.x instances, and wanted to make sure of security. can I assume it is impossible to have encrypted bin logs for mysql 5.x? As i went through the 5.7 documentation, it (encryption) is no where mentioned ( https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/binary-log.html )

I may try to keep the Binary logs for 2 days probably as I am using Nifi to fetch these logs using CaptureChangeMySQL processor and load them to Data warehouse (DWH).. once the DWH is populated, i dont need the logs anymore.

Please help me with your suggestions or understanding..

The version of mysql 5.7 is also possible, and SSL is recommended. Of course, the encryption of statements like DML/DDL is also related to the binlog_fromat parameter.

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