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Powershell script to Stop and start windows Service using S.no

I have a listed my Windows Service Names in the Text file and I have added the code to display it by adding the S.no preceding to the Names,

Listofservices.txt contains

Print Spooler

Windows Update

Remote Desktop Services

Get-Content 'C:\Services\Listofservices.txt' | ForEach-Object  { $i = 1 } { "$i.$_" ; $i++ }


  1. Print Spooler
  2. Windows Update
  3. Remote Desktop Services

now I would like to stop, start the services by entering only the S.no and I don't want to type the exact full name

$userinput = read-host -prompt "Enter the S.no to Stop/Start"
Stop-Service -Name "$userinput" -Force -Confirm

say for example if i enter the number 1 the Print Spooler service will be stopped

Here is one way you could do it following the code you already have, but as stated in comments, this is much simpler to do with Out-GridView -PassThru . Also do note, for these services, the PowerShell process will most likely require to be elevated.

$file = Get-Content path\to\file.txt
$file | ForEach-Object  { $i = 1 } { "$i.$_" ; $i++ }
$userinput  = Read-Host "Enter the S.no to Stop/Start"
try {
    $choice = $file[-1 + $userinput]
    if(-not $choice) {
        throw 'Invalid selection..'

    $service = Get-Service $choice
    if('Running' -eq $service.Status) {
        "$($service.Name) has been stopped.."
        return # end the script here

    "$($service.Name) has been started.."
catch {
    if($_.Exception.InnerException.InnerException.NativeErrorCode -eq 5) {
        return "Process needs to be elevated."
    "An error ocurred: $_"

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