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PATCH request with operator "Remove" not getting sent when removing a member from a group

I am looking into Azure AD SCIM Provisioning and I have a question I am hoping I could get some help on. My use case is as follows

  1. I created a Group in Azure AD and added "John Smith" and "Jane Smith" as members to it.
  2. I went over to my Non-Gallery application added the Group created above to my application and triggered an On-Demand provisioning.
  3. Both "John Smith" and "Jane Smith" were successfully created in my local database.
  4. I removed "John Smith" from my group and triggered an On-Demand provisioning again.
  5. My expectation was that the following PATCH request would be sent by Azure Ad
"Operations": [
  "op": "Remove",
  "path": "members",
  "value": "john-smith-id"

but instead Azure AD sends a PATCH request to /Users with the following body

"schemas": [
    "Operations": [
            "op": "Add",
            "path": "displayName",
            "value": "John Smith"

and another PATCH request to /Groups with the following body

"schemas": [
    "Operations": [
            "op": "Add",
            "path": "externalId",
            "value": "some-guid"

Is this correct? I feel like I am messing something up when removing the member from the Group which isn't triggering the desired PATCH request

After step #4, I would recommend checking if the user has successfully been removed from the group.

Also, make sure that you're using the right rule ID in the on-demand provisioning request. One easy way to do this is to try through the UI and look at the network traffic ctrl+shift+i

The rule ID can be found in the schema.

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