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Phalcon 4 validation multipart/form-data multiple

Is it possible to configure the file validator of Phalcon4, where it can validate multiple uploaded files?

I cannot find any documentation about multiple files upload, just file upload with different form fields: https://docs.phalcon.io/4.0/en/api/phalcon_validation#validation-validator-file

I can validate files which are uploaded one by one, but I need the form to handle multiple uploaded files at once.

Here is my code:


<input type="file" id="formFile" name="media[]" multiple>


$validation = new FileUploadValidation();



namespace App\Validator;

use Phalcon\Validation;
use Phalcon\Validation\Validator\File as FileValidator;

class FileUploadValidation extends Validation
    public function initialize()
            new FileValidator(
                    "maxSize"              => "2M",
                    "messageSize"          => ":field exceeds the max file size (:size)",
                    "allowedTypes"         => [
                    "messageType"          => "Allowed file types are :types",

You can iterate on each file and validate it:

$validation = new FileUploadValidation();
foreach ($this->request->getUploadedFiles() as $file) { 
    $messages[] = $validation->validate($file);

if (count($messages)) {

Also, in your add definition you do not need to place an array, just a string (replace ['media'] with 'media' :

        new FileValidator([...]}

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