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Angular How to call method from child after parent component template changes

I have a parent component, it has a side menu and content. Inside the content, a child component is rendered using router-outlet.

|   menu  |         content               |
|         | |---------------------------| |
|         | |        child              | |
|         | |                           | |
|         | |        xterm              | |
|         | |                           | |
|         | |---------------------------| |

At the push of a button calls method

    isCollapsed = !isCollapsed

the menu collapses or expands

<mat-sidenav [fxFlex]="sidenavWidth" ... 
get sidenavWidth(){
      return 40px
   return 200px }

I should to wait for the content width to change and then in the child component, run the method to re-render the web shell (xterm.js). The child component is subscribed to changes in the store.

store$.pipe(...).subscribe (()=>{resizeTerm();})

In the debugger, the sequence of code execution is as follows

  1. click -> toggleMenu()
  2. store$.dispatch(...
  3. in child store$.pipe(...).subscribe (()=>{resizeTerm();}) //get a notification from the store and start redrawing the web shell
  4. [fxFlex]="sidenavWidth" //get width from sidenavWidth()

My web shell redraws before the parent template gets the new width for ".content" How can I wait for a change in the parent's html and then re-render mine web shell?

This problem can have two solutions

  • calculate the time of collapsing menu as x and use this time as arg of debounceTime operator in subscribing the store
store$.pipe(debounceTime(x), ...)
  • use ResizeObserver api for content element and check if the element has the desired size or not

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